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ReachNodeFlowTypes Enumeration

Enumeration defining the flow between a node and a reach.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleHD
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public enum ReachNodeFlowTypes
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 Default flow, either inflow or outflow from reach to node. Water level is coupled between node and reach, i.e. the water level in the node and in the first water level will equal or differ only due to head loss.
ZeroFlow1 The node and the reach is decoupled and there is no flow between them.

The reach (the first hdh-grid point) were set up using a zero-flow "boundary condition".

This happens e.g. when the water level in the node falls below the reach bottom level, and there is not free outflow from the reach (typically reach slope is away from the node).

When ZeroFlow type is in use, then the contribution from the first grid point in the reach is ignored when calculating the node mass balance equation; the grid point calculates its own mass balance equation.

FreeOutflow2 There is free outflow from reach into node.

The reach (the first hdh-grid point) were set using a free outflow "boundary condition", i.e. water is flowing freely from reach into node, and node state has no influence on the flow.

In rare occasions, in the transition between free outflow and default flow, the actual flow may be from node to reach, even though the FreeOutflow type is set.

See Also