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Res1DStaticDataType Enumeration

Enums of static data types used in the static items of the DFS file.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess (in DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess.dll) Version: (
public enum Res1DStaticDataType
  Member nameValueDescription
NodeType5 Node Type. Data follows the values of the NodeTypes enum
NodeID6 Node identification string
NodeX7 Node x-coordinate
NodeY8 Node y-coordinate
BottomLevel9 Bottom level of Manhole, Basin or outlet
CriticalLevel10 Critical level of Manhole, Basin or outlet
GroundLevel11 Ground level of Manhole, Basin or outlet
ManholeDiameter12 Manhole diameter
NumberOfReaches13 Number of nodes included in the setup
ReachName14 Name of the reach
TopoID15 Topology specifier
StartNodeNumber16 Number of the start node.
EndNodeNumber17 Number of the end node
Direction25 Direction indicator. 1 is positive -1 is negative
NumberOfDigiPoints18 Nymber of Digipoints in a given branch
DigiPointChainage19 Chainage in the digi point
DigiPointXCoordinate20 X-coordinate for the digi point
DigiPointYCoordinate21 Y_coordinate for the digi point
NumberOfGridPoints22 Number of grid points within the reach
PointType23 Grid point type, i.e. H-Point, Q-Point or ...
Chainage24 Chainage of the point within the reach
GridPointX27 Gridpoint x-coordinate
GridPointY28 Gridpoint y-coordinate
GridPointZ29 Gridpoint z-coordinate
UserMarkerArray30 Values for each of the defined user markers
CrossSectionID41 Cross section identification string
CrossSectionType42 Cross section type (Open, Circular ... int number referes to CrossSectionTypes enum)
CrossSectionMarkerArray43 Open cross sections have marker values (int array of dim 8)
CrossSectionXArray44 X values for tabulated cross section
CrossSectionZArray45 Z values for tabulated cross section
CrossSectionCenterLevel46 Center level for circular cross section
CrossSectionDiameter47 Diameter for circular cross section
CrossSectionHeightWidth48 Height and width for rectangular cross section
NumberOfCatchments49 Number of catchments included in the setup
CatchmentArea50 Catchment area
CatchmentID51 Catchment ID
The associated integers are not to be changed since the enumerations are casted into integers which are then persisted in the res1d file
See Also