| Member name | Value | Description |
| Undefined | -1 | |
| WaterLevel | 0 |
Level of water, from a fixed zero level.
| WaterLevelChange | 1 |
Level of water, from a fixed zero level.
| WaterLevelCorrection | 2 |
Correction of water level. Used in Data Assimilation context.
| WaterDepth | 3 |
Depth of water, from lowest bottom point to surface.
| WaterVolume | 4 |
Volume of water
| WaterVolumeAboveGround | 5 |
Volume of water in nodes above ground
| WaterFlowRateAboveGround | 6 |
Water flow rate to node volume above ground
| WaterVolumeRetainedInMaxInflow | 7 |
Volume of water retained in a reservoir due to a maximum inflow restriction
| WaterVolumeM11 | 8 |
Volume of water, as calculated by M11
| WaterVolumeChange | 9 |
Change of volume of water
| MassError | 10 |
Mass Error
| MassErrorM11Comp | 11 |
Mass Error - M11 version
| MassErrorAccumulated | 12 |
Mass Error accumulated
| MassErrorAbsAccumulated | 13 |
Mass Error accumulated
| MassErrorChecksum | 14 |
Mass Error check sum
| MassErrorAccumulatedChecksum | 15 |
Mass Error check sum
| FlowArea | 16 |
Flow area
| FlowAreaTsMean | 17 |
Flow area, mean value over last time step
| FlowAreaInStructure | 18 |
Flow area in structure
| FloodedArea | 19 |
Flooded area, surface area
| GateLevel | 20 |
Gate level
| Discharge | 21 |
| DischargeCorrection | 22 |
Correction of discharge. Used in Data Assimilation contexts
| DischargePerLength | 23 |
Discharge per length
| DischargePerArea | 24 |
Discharge per area
| DischargeInStructure | 25 |
Discharge in structure
| DischargeFromSurface | 26 |
Discharge with a maximum inflow (used on nodes, limited by geometry of node cover)
| DischargeOutflow | 27 |
Discharge Outflow
| DischargeStepAveraged | 28 |
Discharge Step Accumulated
| LateralSources | 29 |
Discharge in/out of network, in m^3/s
| LateralInflow | 30 |
Discharge into network, in m^3/s
| LateralOutflow | 31 |
Discharge into network, in m^3/s
| LateralOutflowReduction | 32 |
Discharge into network, in m^3/s
| TimestepInflow | 33 |
Discharge, inflow to model, in m^3
| TimestepOutflow | 34 |
Discharge, outflow from model, in m^3
| TotalInflow | 35 |
Discharge, inflow to model, total from start of simulation
| TotalOutflow | 36 |
Discharge, outflow from model, total from start of simulation
| NodeInfiltration | 37 |
Discharge that is multiplied by the maximum node surface area below current water level (used for MU node infiltration)
| DischargeHPoints | 38 |
Discharge on H points
| FlowVelocity | 39 |
Flow velocity
| FlowVelocityInStructure | 40 |
Flow velocity in structure
| WindVelocity | 41 |
Wind velocity
| WindDirection | 42 |
Wind direction
| FlowWidth | 43 |
Storage width/flow width
| FlowWidthTsMean | 44 |
Storage width/flow width, mean value over last time step
| Time | 45 | |
| TimeStep | 46 | |
| NumberOfTriesForTimeStep | 47 | |
| TotalRunOff | 48 |
Total Runoff from RainfallRunoff model
| HydraulicRadius | 49 |
Hydraulic radius
| ManningResistanceNumber | 50 |
| ChezyResistanceNumber | 51 |
| BedShearStress | 52 |
Bed shear stress
| CourantNumber | 53 |
CourantNumber number
| Froude | 54 |
Froude number
| WaterLevelSlope | 55 |
Water Level Slope
| EnergyLevelSlope | 56 |
Energy Level Slope
| EnergyLevel | 57 |
Energy Level
| Conveyance | 58 |
Energy Level
| NetRainfall | 59 |
Net rainfall
| CatchmentDischarge | 60 |
Catchment Discharge
| TotalLoad | 61 |
Total Load
| WeirDischarge | 62 |
Discharge through a weir
| PumpDischarge | 63 | Obsolete.
Discharge through a pump
| PumpIsActive | 64 |
Pump is on
| OverlandFlow | 65 |
Overland Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
| InterFlow | 66 |
Inter Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
| TotalBaseFlow | 67 |
Total Base Flow (NAM) - BaseFlow and LowerBaseFlow
| BaseFlow | 68 |
Base Flow (NAM)
| LowerBaseFlow | 69 |
Lower Base Flow (NAM)
| InterFlowAndBaseFlow | 70 |
Inter Flow And Base Flow (NAM)
| OverlandAndInterflow | 71 |
Overland and inter Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
| ActualRainfall | 72 |
Actual Rainfall
| ActualEvaporation | 73 |
Actual Evaporation
| RootZoneStorage | 74 |
Lower Zone Storage (NAM)
| SurfaceStorage | 75 |
Surface Storage (NAM)
| GroundWaterDepth | 76 |
Ground Water Depth (NAM)
| InfiltrationToGroundWater | 77 |
Infiltration To Ground Water (NAM)
| InfiltrationFlow | 78 |
Infiltration To Ground Water (NAM)
| TotalInfiltration | 79 |
Total Infiltration
| OverlandFlowFirstReservoir | 80 |
Overland Flow Routed From First Reservoir (NAM)
| InterFlowFirstReservoir | 81 |
Inter Flow Routed From First Reservoir (NAM)
| CapillaryFlux | 82 |
Capillary Flux (NAM)
| OverlandFirstReservoirStorage | 83 |
Overland Flow First Reservoir Storage (NAM)
| OverlandSecondReservoirStorage | 84 |
Overland Flow Second Reservoir Storage (NAM)
| IrrigationSupply | 85 |
Irrigation Supply (NAM)
| SnowStorage | 86 |
Snow Cover (NAM)
| Temperature | 87 |
| ZoneTemperature | 88 |
Zone Temperature (NAM)
| ZoneRainfall | 89 |
Zone Rainfall (NAM)
| ZoneWaterRetention | 90 |
Zone Water Retention (NAM)
| ZoneMeltingCoeff | 91 |
Zone Snow Storage (NAM)
| ZoneSnowAreaCoverage | 92 |
Zone Snow Area Coverage (NAM)
| ZoneMeltingWater | 93 |
Zone Melting Water (NAM)
| ValveOpening | 94 |
Valve opening
| CrestLevel | 95 |
Creste level
| Force | 96 |
Force, e.g. coming from wind shear stress
| GroundWaterLeakage | 97 |
Ground water leakage. Per second, multiplied on (wet perimenter)*(water depth)*(dx) on h-grid points
| DamBreakBreachLevel | 98 |
Dam break breach level [m]
| DamBreakBreachWidth | 99 |
Dam break breach width [m]
| DamBreakBreachSlope | 100 |
Dam break breach slope
| DamBreakPipeTopLevel | 101 |
Dam break pipe bottom level level [m]
| InfiltrationToGroundWaterMinusCapillaryFlux | 102 |
NAM catchment recharge minus capillary flux
| ControlStrategyId | 103 |
ID of a control strategy applied to a controlled item (a clas that implements Generic.IControllable)
| Concentration | 104 |
Concentration of AD component
| CO1 | 105 |
CO1 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
| CO2 | 106 |
CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
| CO3 | 107 |
CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
| CO4 | 108 |
CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
| WaterSpillDischarge | 109 |
Water spill rate from spilling nodes
| DamBreakBreachFlow | 110 |
Dam break breach flow
| DamBreakCrestFlow | 111 |
Dam break crest flow