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PreDefinedMarker Enumeration

Predefined markers for cross section points.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum PreDefinedMarker
  Member nameValueDescription
NoMarker0 no marker (= 0)
LeftLeveeBank1 The left levee bank (marker 1)
LowestPoint2 The lowest point in the channel (marker 2).
RightLeveeBank3 The right levee bank (marker 3).
LeftLowFlowBank4 The left low flow bank (marker 4).
RightLowFlowBank5 The right low flow bank (marker 5).
LeftCoordinateMarker6 The point corresponding to the left coordinate of the cross section (marker 6).
RightCoordinateMarker7 The point corresponding to the right coordinate of the cross section (marker 7).
See Also