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ResistanceFormulation Enumeration

The resistance formulation to apply for resistance calculations.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum ResistanceFormulation
  Member nameValueDescription
Relative0 Relative factor. The factor is relative to the globally provided resistance formulation and number
Manning_n1 Manning's n.
Manning_M2 Manning's m
Chezy3 Chezy
DarcyWeisbach4 Darcy-Weisbach resistance.

Note that Darcy-Weisbach resistance values are converted to Chezy resistance numbers while processing, so for a Darcy-Weisbach formulation the raw resistance values are Darcy-Weisbach, while the processed ones are Chezy.

ColebrookWhite5 Colebrook White. Only used with circular CrossSections
HazenWilliams6 Hazen Williams.
Manning_MRelative66 Manning's m, relative, meaning that raw/processed resistance numbers are relative to the local manning number.
See Also