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ExtrapolationTypes Enumeration

Extrapolation types. When data is outside the data set, this controls how extrapolation takes place This does not control the type of interpolation for internal values.

Not all interpolation/extrapolation routines support all the extrapolation types, especially the Sqrt is only implemented in certain places..

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum ExtrapolationTypes
  Member nameValueDescription
NotAllowed0 No extrapolation is allowed. An exception is thrown when argument is outside the valid interval.
Nearest1 Get the nearest value
Linear2 y = a * x + b, using the two closest value in the set
Sqrt3 y = a * sqrt(x) + beta, using the two closest values in the set
SqrtOrNearest4 When argument x is outside on the the first x-value side: nearest When argument x is outside on the the last x-value side: y = a * sqrt(x) + b. This method is suitable for extrapolation in Q-h relations.
See Also